Sunday, 6 October 2013

Tips To Stop Picking Acne

Tips,Stop Acne,acne tips

Acne is the most common skin problem which can only be finish with time. Popping up acne exacerbate the problem and results in scarring. When acne is popped, the debri, dead bacteria and the puss come out which when get in touch with the other sensitive area of skin, start flourishing there. As a result, acne may results in multiple overnight.
Touching or picking on pre-existing acne can cause this condition to get worse. Some people have bad habit of touching and picking acne all the time sometime consciously and sometime unconsciously. Find ways to distract yourself so that you don’t make this problem worse by continually picking your skin. I must suggest you some tips that will help you in coping up this worst situation. Check out these tips and not let your acne exacerbate. 
Tell your friends and family
The first tip to stop picking acne is that you tell your friends and family about this problem. So when you touch or pick your acne they don’t let you touch you. Ask them to gently scold you when they notice you are touching your face. In this way, you can get rid of this bad habit.
Identify trigger
Second step to stop picking acne is to focus on trigger. Check out the things that trigger you to touch your face. It can be a particular mirror in your room or in washroom. Identify the places which triggers urge to picking acne. It is fact that to completely avoid such places is not possible. Try to convince yourself not to pick acne especially when you go in front of mirror.
Find out the root cause of this behavior
When you are feeling the urge to pick acne, focus on thinking and feelings which are driving your urge. It may be stress, anxiety or boredom feelings? Try to find out the root cause of your this behavior and then consider how to address the root problem.
Keep your hands busy
In picking acne, your hands are the primary cause of your this problem. I must recommend you to keep your hands busy. Keep your hands busy in playing games on cell phone, typing and manicure.
Take help from inspiration
Arouse a wish in you to look beautiful. This wish will not let you touch your face occasionally. In this struggle, you can pick your picture with clear skin as inspiration. Tell yourself that popping up acne can ruin your beauty and it will take long time to wipe off the scars as well.
Medication and care
Apply anti-acne products on your face so that you will not touch or pop up your acne. Keep your hands clean. It will not allow germs to enter your skin and result in multiplication of scars.
Don’t give up
Everything takes time to quit this habit. Don’t give up. Like any other bad habit, you may not be able to quit picking overnight. Don’t discourage yourself.
For getting rid of acne it is necessary to keep your skin hydrated. Drink plenty of water if you want clear skin. You must drink at least eight glass of water in a day. This will allow skin condition to heal quickly

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