Saturday, 5 October 2013

5 Healing Foods For Every Ailment

Healing Foods, Ailment,vegies

Unfortumately, aillments are very common these days which can lead to severe health problems. However, by making simple changes in your diet, you can help remedy some of the common health problems. We all know that it is not possible to go with medicines all the time for any ailment. While persistent use of medicines provides management, it is no cure for all the ailments.
Modern studies in pharmaceuticals are acknowledging that natural food is the best alternative to the medicines against any ailment. Why not try a change in your diet to achieve a healthy status and curb the ailments? Isn’t it good to get energy and heal ailments at the same time without using medicines? I have made a list of five healing foods that are helpful in curing all types of diseases and ailments. Eat healthy and get glowing skin, sound sleep and many other benefits.
1. Ginger and garlic:
Ginger and garlic are most widely used items in any food. For centuries, people have been using ginger for curing many ailments. According to various studies, ginger is very effective in preventing and curing heart diseases, cancer, arthritis and variety of other illnesses. Ginger has high level of phytochemicals with a healing effect.
The healing elements in ginger are essential oils, vitamin B6 and C and the minerals, calcium, magnesium, sulphur and potassium. Ginger stimulates body heat and act as inflammatory agent. Garlic is also helpful in preventing cancer, heart diseases and blood pressure. Garlic heals arthritis, asthma, insomnia, liver disease, flu, cold, digestive disease and ulcers.
2. Snacks on cheese and crackers:
Snacks on cheese and crackers are rich in vitamin B6 and B12. This low fat cheese is full of proteins. These snacks energize you to keep on working for long time. The combo stimulates the production of feel-good chemicals, serotonin, in your brain which gives you energy.
3. Pineapple:
Pineapples are also helpful in preventing and healing ailments. Pineapple has the power to heal bruise fast. This tropical fruit contains bromelain, a compound that calms the skin inflammation when you get bruise and helps in healing bruise fast. If you want to speed up healing process then you should eat at least about a cup and half of pineapple chunks throughout the day.
4. Turmeric:
Turmeric the best and one of most widely used food items. Turmeric helps in easing pains, swelling, as well as boosts immune system, improves digestion, prevents cancer and may even reduce the risks of Alzheimer’s. It can be added to any food item to give it spice and color. Most important benefit of using turmeric in foods is that it is not overpowering. You must add turmeric in every dish to have amazing spicey taste, shade and cure of diseases as well.
5. Citrus fruits:
Citrus fruits contain cancer fighting compounds, cholesterol lowering fibers and also inflammation lowering flavonoids. Grape fruits, lemon, and orange are full of health. The studies have also suggested that consuming a daily serving of citrus fruits may cut your risk of mouth, throat and stomach cancer by up to one half. Add lemon, tangerines and zests of oranges in daily cooking and consume them at least once a day.
Last but not the least, water is the best cure for all diseases and ailments. Drink plenty of water to keep away the diseases.

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