Saturday, 9 February 2013


1)Mix garlic paste with apple cider vinegar n apply all over ur nail daily.
also take any good multivitamin once a day
2)Take 1 tsp coffee powder, 1 tbsp raw chocolate (melted) or chocolate powder, 1 tsp brown sugar and make a paste by adding some rose water. Apply this paste on your nails for half an hour.


Application of vitamin K cream is also beneficial in the treatment of stretch marks. The foods containing vitamin K can also be included in the diet and they are green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, liver and dairy products. 
Applying lavender oil on the marks thrice a day will fade up the marks soon. This is one of the simple and
 good home remedies for stretch marks.


1. Finely chopped onions - 3 tablespoons
2. Garlic finely chopped - 2 cloves
3. Sunflower oil - 4 tablespoon
4. Flour - 1 tablespoon
5. Chicken stock or water - 600 ml
6. Fresh young nettle(BICCHOO BOOTI) tops - 450g (11b)
7. Skimmed milk - 600ml (1pint)
8. Salt and freshly ground black pepper chopped parsley and chives to garnish.

• Place the onions and garlic in large pan with the oil and cook gently until they are transparent but not brown.
• Stir in the flour followed by the stock of water, until a thick, well-blended sauce is formed.
• Add the washed nettle tops, cover and simmer until they are soft. Make a puree sort of mixture in blender.
Return the soup to the pan and reheat, adding milk. Season to taste and garnish



green tea for weight loss

Heat up 8 glasses of water. When it begins to boil, add 6 tsp 

of greentea n let it simmer (halki aanch pe paknay den) for 10 

to 15 minutes. When 6 glasses of the water remains, add a

stick of cinnamon (daar cheeni), 1 green cardamom (ilaaichi), 1 small stick mulethi, a pinch kalonji, 1 clove (laung), ginger n garlic 1 piece each. When it begins to boil again, add a few mint leaves n store it in a thermos. Sprinkle a few drops of lemon n brown sugar before drinking. Drink 6 to 8 cups daily.



have 6 cups of this herbal tea daily through out the whole

day. b4 breakfast nihar mounh u can take a glass of luke warm

water+ 2TB sp of ispaghol Husk+ 1 Tb of honey+ thori si

kalonji (black seeds) + squeeze 1/2 lemon + thori si black

pepper + 1 tsp of apple cider vinegar,few mint leaves.+ 3-4 drops of Tabasco or red chilli sauce...
and then take this herbal green tea half an hour after ur meals.

Then it will b very effective.



Functions: Grape seed extract is used for conditions related to the heart and blood vessels, such as atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and poor circulation. Other reasons for the use of grape seed extract include complications related to diabetes, such as nerve and eye damage; vision problems, such as macular degeneration (which can cause blindness); and swelling after an injury or surgery. Grape seed extract is also used for cancer prevention and wound healing!

Herb of the day TURMERIc or HALDI

Common Names: turmeric, turmeric root, Indian saffron. 
Functions: In traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic medicine, turmeric has been used to aid digestion and liver function, relieve arthritis pain, and regulate menstruation. Turmeric has also been applied directly to the skin for eczema and wound healing. Today, turmeric is used for conditions such as heartburn, stomach ulcers, and gallstones. It is also used to reduce inflammation, as well as to prevent and treat cancer!

benefit of LAVENDER

Functions: Historically, lavender was used as an antiseptic and for mental health purposes. Today, the herb is used for conditions such as anxiety, restlessness, insomnia, and depression. Lavender is also used for headache, upset stomach, and hair loss!

dr khurram mushir tip for acne

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

benefits of GINSENG

Common Names: Asian ginseng, ginseng, Chinese ginseng, Korean ginseng, Asiatic ginseng. 
Functions: Treatment claims for Asian ginseng are numerous and include the use of the herb to support overall health and boost the immune system. Traditional and modern uses of ginseng include: improving the health of people recovering from illness; increasing a sense of well-being and stamina, and improving both mental and physical performance; treating erectile dysfunction, hepatitis C, and symptoms related to menopause; and lowering blood glucose and controlling blood pressure.

benefit of garlic

Functions: Garlic's most common uses as a dietary supplement are for high cholesterol, heart disease, and high blood pressure. Garlic is also used to prevent certain types of cancer, including stomach and colon cancers!

Benefits of Orange Juice

It is official; fruits are more effective in liquid form. There are different juices which are believed to be better for body buthealthy orange juice has been the most commonly consumed and heal thier fruit juices. Orange juice is very beneficial for health; It belongs to the citrus family. I must say if you want to look younger and fit externally and internally, you must add healthy orange juice in your routine meal because it is very much beneficial and full of health. There are numerous benefits of Orange Juice but some major points are listed below so thatyouwill get the instant guide.
  • Orange juice contains a high amount of vitamin C which is helpful in boosting up the immune system. Vitamin C is an essential vitamin that cannot be synthesized by the human body.
  • Healthy Orange juice contains hesperidin, a water soluble plant pigment that serves to improve the activity of small blood vessels and blood pressure.
  • If you eat a meal that is high in fat and carbs and have fear of inflammation, a glass of healthy orange juice can decrease the inflammation and reduces the risk of diabetes and heart diseases.
  • Orange juice contains lemonades which helps to fight against cancer of mouth, lungs, breast, skin and stomach.
  • Daily consumption of healthy orange juice lowers the chances of flu, cold and recurrent ear infections and improves diastolic blood pressure.
  • Orange juice is an important antioxidant that helps in preventing breast and prostate cancer.  This is a substance that reduces harmful effects of free radicals that cause early aging and tissue damage. It also helps to reduce weight.
  • Orange juice contains foliatewhich plays essential role in the reproduction of new cells and helps in healing process.
  • Orange juice improves blood circulation in body and reduces heart diseases.
  • Orange juice contains high amount of potassiumthat is an essential nutrient for body.
  • Regular consumption of orange juice leads to decrease in the level of low density lipoprotein cholesterol in patients with high cholesterol level.
  • Women who drink orange juice daily have reduced risk of calcium oxalate stone formation.
  • It reduces constipation and diarrhea in those people who have bowel syndrome due to its acidic nature.
  • Fibers are found in pulpy orange juice that keep sugar level under control, grab cancer causing chemicals and are also good for diabetes.
  • People who take one glass of orange juice daily have 25 % less chances of peptic ulcer.
  • It plays role in fitness by burning the fat and losing unwanted weight. It lowers blood pressure level and high cholesterol level that are common problems in middle aged men and women.
Everyone wants to look beautiful and young. For this purpose we do a lot of things, use expensive cosmetics and products. I recommend you to use delicious orange juice to look younger, fresh and beautiful.
  • Orange juice is enriched with vitamin C that is very helpful in improving skin color and texture.
  • It detoxifies your skin. If you want to look brighter and fresh, then you must add orange juice to your daily meal. It helps you in preventing wrinkles.
  • It contains collagen that slows skin aging process and clear skin blemishes.
  • Yummy orange juice gives shining and volume to your hair.
Besides the benefits of orange juice, you must choosehealthy orange juice very carefully. Orange juice is available in market in different forms. Many companies are selling orange juice in cans and bottles in which artificial colors, flavors and sugar are added which are full of calories and lead to overweight. Drink only fresh squeezed juice from fresh fruitsto have the ultimate benefit.

Pregnancy Prediction - Boy or Girl

Couples who are to become parents for the first time are usually anxious to find the gender of their baby. The most common question you hear newly conceived mothers asking is whether it is a boy or a girl? Lots of myths and old wives tales surround this question and couples use all sorts of gender predictors to find out their baby's gender.
You will also find a number of gender prediction quizzes online which are not only fun to fill out, but they also help predict your baby's gender. We have also compiled a list of things and signs you should look for in order to find out your baby's gender. Remember, these quizzes and pregnancy predictors are weird ways of predicting, but they are fun and an exciting part of pregnancy.
Some of the common signs pregnant women can look for when they are expecting are listed below. These signs will help you find your baby's sex:
Low Bump
If your bump is low, you're carrying a boy but if you are carrying high, you'll have a baby girl.
Your baby's heart beat - When you visit your obstetrician next time, ask her to check your baby's heart beat. If the heartbeat is below 140, it is a baby boy, but if it is more than 140 beats, chances are it's a baby girl.
Your Cravings
Pregnant women have all sorts of cravings but if you mostly crave for salty or sour stuff, then it's a boy and if you crave for sweets like chocolates and ice cream, then it is a baby girl. However, health professionals have dismissed this as being relevant to the gender of your baby.
Living together with your partner
Another study shows that couples who live together are more likely to have a baby boy and those living apart will most likely have a baby girl. The reason behind this is associated with frequent sex which gives male sperms a bigger advantage.
Your Stress Levels
Moms who conceive during periods of high stress are more likely to conceive a baby boy because high stress levels increase the level of testosterone in the body which may lead to changes in the egg, allowing easier penetration for male sperm.
Your age at Conception
A mother's age at conception and the year of conception also helps determine the baby's gender. If both the year of conception and age of conception are even or odd, then it is a girl but if one number is even and the other is odd, it's a boy.
Acne Breakouts during pregnancy
If you are having a lot of acne breakouts during pregnancy, chances are your baby girl is stealing all your beauty leaving you with all the annoying zits.
You and your partners age
If you and your partner are more than 40 years old, you will most likely have a baby girl. This could be due to hormonal changes in your body and also due to the fact that you and your partner have less frequent sex.
Pregnancy Sickness
Severe pregnancy sickness, especially in the first trimester indicates you're having a baby girl.
There are many more pregnancy predictors which you can use to find out your baby's gender, such as whether you conceived in the tropics or anywhere else or if you conceived during summers or in the winter.

Do You Really Have The Flu?

Winters does not only come with new trends and fashion but with some seasonal diseases as well such as cold, cough and flu with viral fever. It is easy to take all essential precautions rather than taking lots of medicines that can spoil taste of your taste buds and make you feel sicker.
Health care is very important that puts charm in your life and makes you feel vigorous, strong and healthy. Flu can make you feel ill for days to weeks that eventually disturb your daily life routine. It is very important to take proper treatment at primary stage when initial symptoms of fluappear such as fever, aches, cough, fatigue and even chill. Follow some healthy tips for flu that can protect you and your family from being sick and spoil all fun of winter cold days.

• Washing hand for health care

No matter what season is going on, washing hands regularly after 30 minutes is very important especially when you are suffering contagious disease like flu. Keeping your hands clean with anti-septic hand sanitizers is necessary health care to protect everyone from such respiratory illness that may lead someone to pneumonia and even hospitalization. 

• Cover Yourself 

It is very important to cover your nose and mouth with a piece of handkerchief or tissue paper. It will help to protect other people from flu and also provide you clean environment that cure your flu and make you feel healthy.  Don’t forget to wrap and throw tissue paper into dust bin. If a child of age between 5- 10 years has got flu, it would be better to take leave from school for a week so that other children might not get it. 

• Take Liquid Diet

Drinking lots of fluid is an important health tip for flu that will keep your body in hydrated state and also helps to release mucus. Drink at least 8 to 12 glass of water to stay healthy. For your health care it is better to limit intake of drinks such as tea, soft drinks like cola and caffeine rich products such as coffee and espresso. It is better to eat very simple food products. Eat white rice or oats and lower your spice level.

• Hot water steam 

Flu and chest infection could be cure with help of hot water stream. One may add flu spray or flu medicine in it. Mint Leave is very effective to cure flu and chest infections. You may add mint leaves in your steam water or drink it in boiling water and add some honey in it as well.

• Medicines for Flu health care

No medicine can ever cure flu but it can provide relief from pain and make you feel comfortable. It is better to take medicines for fever and aches that will improve your health very soon. If your flu remains more than a week then it may be due to bacterial infection. Take some anti-biotic as soon as possible to avoid further infections. See your doctor and ask for further help if required.

Bedroom Decorations With Canopy Beds

A bedroom is a personal close space that imparts a sense of calmness whenever you enter. However, one ought to change his bedroom decorations once in a while since it is healthy to do so.
Canopy beds dates back to the 16th century of Victorian aesthetic. These are distinct because they impart warmth, shelter and privacy .With advancement in age, and they now serve the purpose of adding a dramatic and captivating look to the room. I have here complied a few canopy bed ideas for the people who fancy them for their bedroom decorations.

1. Contempory Canopy

These come in different types of wood and metal. You can transform them to suit your taste. In pinewood, is a classic type of canopy bed idea appropriate with wooden flooring and yellow lights in the room. In these beds, there are no details of headboard and foot. They depict a sharp geometric abstract art 

2. Traditional Chinese

For a person who is experimental then he can add to his bedroom decoration a customary Chinese style bed in your room, their canopy bed consists of two extra posts on one side. It has ornate and wooden carvings with designs of dragons.

3. Traditional European-style

For people who follow the British in every aspect of life. They can affix to their bedroom decoration a canopy bed of European style that is big and ostentatious with wooden carvings. The posts are thick with correspondingly weighty drapes around them. Also, match the curtain design with your bed sheets to give a standardized look.
Full Canopy for people who fancy sleeping in a bed all covered by can use this kind of canopy bed idea for their bedroom decoration. The curtain hanging either from the ceiling rod or from the posts drapes the bed completely

4. Your Own canopy bed idea

If you are creative, then you can create your own canopy by just a little effort. The simplest canopy bed idea is to hang any fabric over top frame rails of an already structured four-poster bed. Which most of our grand parents had and are kept in stores or thrown away.
The simplest canopy bed idea is to attach a section of pipe or curtain rod to the wall behind the bed. At least 18 inches below the ceiling. Next, attach tow tiebacks on each side of the bed. Then measure the distance from rod, tieback to the floor and hang the fabric accordingly.
One of best canopy bed ideas is to hang a single loop of drape to the rod situated on the ceiling in the middle of the bed and drape the fabric from the rod to the middle of your bed.
The few canopy bed ideas that I have assembled here are quite economical and trouble-free to practice. While you rejuvenate your room, you can add to your bedroom decorations the various kinds of canopy bed to make your room standout. With a good bargain, one can substantially pull out a bedroom decoration at reasonable rates.

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